Monday, January 29, 2007

Argument on a Brochure

A good argument seen today is which schools people should go too. Many schools have different ways of trying to lure students in to going to their school. One big way that Universities try to collect college students is through the use of a brochure. They will send them out to all sorts of juniors and seniors in high school around the United States. These brochures are "advertising ads" and they try to persuade a college bound student to go to their school. The specific brochure that I have chosen to use is Saginaw Valley State University's brochure. It basically starts out telling the student about the academic achievements they can accomplish in four years at Saginaw Valley State University. They claim that Saginaw Valley State University shows "winning" in a variety of ways. They display it through their sports, academics, etc. They even try to lure a student by saying how many people get a 3.0 and higher (44% according to Saginaw Valley State University's website). This is a sense of persuasion and it argues why students should go to Saginaw Valley State University rather than other schools. The next thing they try and throw at students is their great athlete programs. They tell you what sports are doing well, but they do not mention the sports that are not doing so hot. If your an athlete, they were say that their school can train you better than other schools and they will probably show you statistics if they are actually good at that sport. They will also lure these students in through athletic scholarships. They will attempt to give them more money then other schools. They also give high academic scholarships so that they can compete with different Universities. Saginaw Valley State University, in particular, will state that they have the best dorms in the state, and the lowest tuition costs. They say this to argue that their school is cheaper and provides just as good of education as other schools. This will persuade students from all over. Students like low costing colleges, and if a college can persuade them into thinking their school is the lowest, that University will get their "business." Universities will also try and persuade people with "things they can do on the weekends." They will normally have an event (like a movie) for students to be entertained. This is often seen on such brochures like the one about Saginaw Valley State University. These different techniques are used in all kinds of college brochures. I just chose Saginaw Valley State University because it is the school that persuaded me. Through it's use of argument, it is the reason why I am here, taking this class today. These statements demonstrate how different schools use brochures and other ads as arguments to persuade students to come to their schools.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

commercials and clutter

I recall a recent Lucky Charms commercial that stuck out from the others. It used bright and shiny colors which grabbed my attention fast. Also, the jingle and the voice used in the commercial caught my attention. It had this catchy jingle that was stuck in my head and it seemed to make me hungry every time I thought about it. The voice sounded like one of my friends, which also made the commercial appealing. The devices did make an attitude towards what they were selling. All the devices made me think of something in my personal life (such as music and my friend) which caught my attention and even made me a bit hungry. These devices made this commercial appealing and quite successful.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

persuasion: someone persuading me.

Many teenagers are persuaded in today's world. Through television, friends, and the Internet, they have to deal with persuasion almost daily. I, just like must people, have been persuaded into buying something in my lifetime. This time, though, it actually turned out fine. My best friend at the time was trying to get me to become a member of this place that sells running shoes. I wasn't really interested the first time I heard about it, but he kept bugging me. He told me of their amazing running shoes and how they cut seconds off times in races. he also said that they were reasonably priced and the owner knew what he was talking about. I eventually gave in and went and talked to the store owner. He actually gave me my first pair of shoes for free. I was excited and went there the next time I needed shoes. He was right in every account. He was a nice guy, knew what he was talking about, and it cut seconds off my times. This was a good and successful persuasion and I still go to that store till this day.

persuasion: me persuading someone else.

I have tried to persuade a number of people in my life. One that sticks out is when i tried to persuade one of my better friends into running with me (It probably sticks out because I am a big runner myself). I would just keep asking him to go running with me everyday. I would tell him all the benefits. How it would help him get into shape, lower chance of sickness, relieve him of stress, and many other helpful things. I just kept bugging him until, one day, he went running. He actually enjoyed it a lot and runs with me a lot now. He even runs by himself now.

Rhetoric conversation - good vs bad.

Rhetoric can be seen as a means of persuasion. It is used throughout our daily lives in one way or another. I believe that rhetorical ideas can be seen as good and bad. Sometimes, persuasion is required to get things done. This sence of persuasion can be really good if your job requires selling items. That person is going to have to try and persuade you, whether the items he is selling are good or not. If he can not persuade a person to buy his products, he will not make money. So I think it can help different careers (in a sense), which is a good thing. There are certain types of bad rhetoric though. A lot of the rhetoric people see on the Internet can be seen as not good. It gets in the way. Most people will not even consider looking at this. "Pop ups" are a main source of rhetoric on the Internet. Lots of people either avoid these things or just ignore them entirely. They can be a annoyance. When you want to do something online, you want to do it right away, not having to see this random pop up on your screen. It gets in the way, and most people will just get rid of it anyways. Commercials can almost be seen as the same way. I see people switching channels during the commercials all the time. They do this because its getting in the way and that is why I think rhetoric can also be seen as a bad thing.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

First Blog Post

Hey! This is my first blog account ever. In fact, I didn't even know about a "blog" account before today. I guess it's alright.