Sunday, January 21, 2007

persuasion: someone persuading me.

Many teenagers are persuaded in today's world. Through television, friends, and the Internet, they have to deal with persuasion almost daily. I, just like must people, have been persuaded into buying something in my lifetime. This time, though, it actually turned out fine. My best friend at the time was trying to get me to become a member of this place that sells running shoes. I wasn't really interested the first time I heard about it, but he kept bugging me. He told me of their amazing running shoes and how they cut seconds off times in races. he also said that they were reasonably priced and the owner knew what he was talking about. I eventually gave in and went and talked to the store owner. He actually gave me my first pair of shoes for free. I was excited and went there the next time I needed shoes. He was right in every account. He was a nice guy, knew what he was talking about, and it cut seconds off my times. This was a good and successful persuasion and I still go to that store till this day.

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