Monday, March 26, 2007

Me, as an analytical movie viewer and what analysis has done for me.

I am not a very good analytical movie viewer. I rarely notice things in movies. I usually get really into movies. They are my escape from the real world. If I do not want to think about the day, I usually just pop in a movie and relax. I follow the storyline and usually do not pay much attention to the analytical parts of the movie. Every once in a while, I will see that lighting is being used or that music is making a scene better, but that is about it. There are rare occasions when I do think about movies analytically though.

On these uncommon days, I will choose a movie and analysis it. I always decide to analysis the movie before I put it in. I will pay close attention to the lighting and music throughout the movie. I will notice when the music is very important in a scene and also when light is very important. I sometimes even realize how many cuts are taking place in a particular scene. I notice when there is a ton and when there are a few and I think some spots they need more cuts while others they need less. The use of props throughout the movie is also observed. There are many props throughout all movies. On these rare occasions, I think of most of these ideas throughout the movies, but this really does not happen often. I really should pay more attention to the analysis of movies because a person gains a different type of knowledge analyzing them.

A person can learn things from watching and analyzing moving visual media. One can learn how good the movie was made. They can also realize how much effort a director put into a movie. If a person is lost in the movie, they probably did a good job. If a person notices all the above analysis devices without trying, then they most likely did a bad job. A person then can also decide what could have made the movie better. They could know a spot were music should have been added or when it should have been a different song playing in a spot. They could know when different props and coloring/lighting needed to be used. All in all, movie visual media can teach a person a lot of things. If it is not just expanding one's knowledge, then it can at least make a person know when they are or are not watching a poorly put together movie.

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