Monday, April 9, 2007


The theme of idiocracy was rather interesting to me. I never thought of "humanity becoming stupider" as the movie clearly points out. The people of my generation do watch a lot of movies that revolve around people doing dumb things. He makes interesting points like the "dumber" people reproducing more than the "smarter" people because they forget to use birth control and such. The society gets to the point that the average IQ is really low and that a regular person today is a genius in the future. I believe Mike Judge is posing a strong and intriguing point, but there are some flaws. For one, there are still plenty of smart people who reproduce just fine. Another example is that some smart people watch "dumb" movies to broaden their horizons. One final reason is that people just find it entertaining. Movies do not affect the human society as much as the movie suggests. Lots of smart people watch movies like this for their personal entertainment. These people act nothing like the people on the film though. They still are smart and still talk in a highly intellectual way. All in all, I think that Mike Judge makes some very interesting claims. They are fun to think about and his movie was very entertaining. I liked his ideas, but most of them do not seem plausible to me. I just can not see the human race getting that dumb. There will always be smart people on this earth, even if they think "dumber" things are entertaining.

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