Sunday, April 1, 2007

Visual Culture and Audience.

Multitasking is a big part of the new generations. It was not such a giant success in the previous generation though. They criticize children and people of the younger generation for doing several tasks at once. Their argument is that younger generations can not completely focus on one task. Therefore, they can not produce an efficient outcome of any one task. The younger generation has it's own argument though.

Younger generations argue that we are just adapting to a fast past environment and learning how to do many tasks efficiently at once. Since I am part of the younger generation, I share this view that humans adapt and become more efficient. The more time goes by, the smarter the children get and the more abilities they possess. Younger children will eventually be able to multitask and do several things more efficiently then the older generation could do with one specific thing. This is why things keep improving and more stuff is invented. People are getting smarter and are adapting. All in all, Multitasking is a concept that will just get better and better as generations go on.

Visual Culture can affect an audiences views towards one another and their view of themselves. Some women are a very good example of this. They see attractive women on TV and in movies and they compare themselves and others to them. They may say that if they are not wearing some sort of clothing, they are not going to be hot. This affects how women dress. Visual Culture can do something like this for guys though too. Guys will see other "buff" guys on TV or in a movie and want to be like them. They will see that they get the girls because of how strong they are. As a result, a lot of guys exercise and work out to try to get there bodies like the ones they see in a Visual Culture. These are just some of the basic claims made for both genders. They are some that specify certain areas of a person's personality, but those will be discussed on a later date. Right now, the goal was to show people that Visual Culture affects all sorts of people. Young and old, male or female, black or white, etc. Visual Media affects all these various audiences.

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