Sunday, April 29, 2007

Last Post of the Year!!!!! Memorial Events!

Overall, I liked this class and I thought I have learned a lot. I did not know much about analysing pictures and moving images before this class. I thought this class taught me that vary well and I do not know if I will look at a movie the same way without at least thinking that it could be analysed. The assignment I liked the most in the class was the movie clip analysis.

I liked the movie clip analysis the most because it was kind of fun to do. If a person has to do work, I think that that person will be able to get much more work done if it is something he/she is interested in. What I am trying to say is that we were able to pick a movie or clip that we liked and than we wrote about it. It was like this for many assignments (which I liked), but it stuck out most in this one because I loved the movie that I choose to analysis. I also believe that this class had a lot of interesting discussions.

The class did a lot of teacher-students discussions. I enjoyed a lot of these because some of the topics brought up were interesting. Also, some of these topics were fun to talk about in class and it was interesting to see what the teacher and the other students talked about. All in all, I thought this was a fun and interesting class where I learned a lot and had some fun doing it.

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