Wednesday, April 18, 2007

presentation responses!

The speakers were all pretty good for the first day of presentations. They all seemed to have something good in mind to talk about for their projects. They seem to be on the right path and their presentations were pretty good. The one that was the most interesting was the peer-to-peer file sharing.

In this presentation, the student talked about the positives and negatives of sharing music. It is really interesting to me because I like music and I have file shared before. Her points were strong and she seemed to back them up with some good evidence. She talked about Napster, which caught my attention because I remember a lot about Napster. Then she introduced a company known as the RIAA which intrigued me because I have never heard of such an organization. She went on to explain that they were the people trying to get rid of all the file sharing programs and they wanted the music industry to be back like it used to be. This meant that a person would have to go by the CD at a store or not have any music at all. She also explained that the RIAA was the organization suing all these file sharing programs and they are the reason why many are going out of business. All in all, I liked every presentation, but this one stuck out the most for me because it is a big part in daily life today.

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