Monday, February 5, 2007

Almost attempt smoking, but evidence of harm saves me!

I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, but I did not think they were horrible for your body. One day, I saw some of my relatives smoking. I really did not think much about smoking at the time, and I thought what they were doing was just fine. I actually asked them if I could have a cigarette, but they said no because I would become addicted, just like them. They say they were doing it because of the addiction, and they explained to me that it could actually kill them in the end. They laid down the facts. They told me that it can cause cancer, its bad for your health, and there are numerous bad ingredients put in cigarettes. After this conversation, I went from thinking that smoking was fine, to thinking of it as a sort of evil. It can kill people. If no one had told me the bad facts about cigarettes, I might still think they were fine today and I could be a daily smoker. There was more evidence provided later in life that also influenced my position. Schools always have different assemblies over smoking and the harm it can cause. There are also programs like DARE that can help convince someone not to smoke. Although some of my friends did get me to try and smoke, my other friends just kept reminding me of the effects later in life. All of this evidence proven throughout life has convinced me that smoking is a bad thing and that is why I will never smoke. I went from thinking smoking was fine and almost trying it, to believing that it could be considered a "sort of evil."

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