Monday, February 26, 2007

Photographs and Knowing People.

A picture of someone does give others a sense of knowing that person. People often will have pictures of themselves playing a sport or doing something they enjoy, which does give the audience a sense of who that person is. When we see the activity the person is doing, we know the an activity that that person enjoys and is apart of their life. On the other hand, we seem to give these people stereotypes. A person will classify others, which can much often be wrong. For example, a person could be playing a sport like hockey. Somebody might think this person might also like golf because hockey players are often associated with playing golf on their days off. This might not be the case at all. Another example is a person thinking another person in a photo has a certain background because of the picture. If a person sees a photo of a family near a beat up home, they might assume that that person is poor because of the beat up home. In all actuality, that person could be very rich. They could be visiting a friend, or it could be their second or even third house. So even though pictures do give us a sense of a person, we do not know for sure who the person is. Until someone actually meets the person in the picture, they can not know that person, they can just make educated guesses about them.

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