Wednesday, February 28, 2007

pic analysis: in and out of class.

In our groups in class, we discussed and analyzed certain pictures and text. This was the picture my group decided upon and we found it on Google images under happiness. It is a comical pictures in many ways. It has a funny looking character being happy in the image. So this already points to laughter, but what really makes it even more comical is the text written on the page below it. It asks the question, what is a happiness curve? Then it describes all different ways of calling a person fat. They mentioned beer belly, big belly, breadbasket, etc. They use all sorts of comical terms to express the happiness curve. The picture itself also has a sense of irony. It is saying that people are happy when they are bigger and they like being this way. Most people like this that I know are happy, but they still do not like their "happiness curve." All in all, I think that this is a comical image that provides different sorts of rhetoric to draw attention to it.

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